Terms & Conditions

Last updated Dec 1, 2023


As a user (“User”) of this Platform, the User understands that FinPaisa provides access to the Users to various financial products, including but not limited to credit cards etc., offered by the financial partners of FinPaisa. It is hereby clarified that the term ”Users” or “You” used under these Terms & Conditions shall mean any person accessing the Platform merely for browsing or for the purpose of availing product offered by the financial partners of FinPaisa. Your use of this Platform implies that You have read, understood and agreed to abide by following, disclaimer, terms & conditions (“Terms & Conditions”). These Terms & Conditions together with our privacy policy as provided on the Platform (“Privacy Policy”) govern your usage of the Platform. If You disagree with any part of these Terms & Conditions, please do not use the Platform.

1. Introduction: These Terms of Service ("Terms") constitute a legal agreement between you and FinPaisa, operated by [AM Tech Ventures Pvt. Ltd.] ("we," "us," or "our"). By using the services provided through the website FinPaisa (https://finpaisa.in), you agree to be bound by these Terms. Please read them carefully.

2. Membership: Membership on FinPaisa is available through a registration process. By registering, you agree to these Terms of Service. If you do not agree with our Terms, you may not use the FinPaisa service. It's important to note that members of FinPaisa are not permitted to run any paid advertisements on platforms like Google, Facebook, or any other platform that link to FinPaisa. Non-compliance with this rule may lead to the immediate termination of your account.

3. Our Service: FinPaisa allows registered users ("Members") to earn financial benefits through tracked transactions with various financial services providers available on the site. To be eligible for these benefits, the transaction must be confirmed as a "Qualifying Transaction" by the service provider. Members can also share FinPaisa links with friends and family. When Qualifying Transactions are generated through these links and FinPaisa receives commission fees from financial service providers, we pay Members a financial benefit known as "Profit." Please note that if, for any reason, FinPaisa does not receive commission fees from service providers for Qualifying Transactions, no Profit will be paid to the Member. Also, if a transaction is not tracked by the service provider's tracking system, any expected Profit from that transaction will not be paid to the Member. Additionally, there may be circumstances in which a transaction does not qualify as a Qualifying Transaction or Profit is not generated from it. This may also apply to Qualifying Referrals.

4. Becoming a Member: To become a Member, you must be at least 18 years of age. You are required to register with accurate and current information, including your correct name, address, and other requested details. If you provide bank account details for receiving payments, you must ensure that you are fully entitled to use that bank account for this purpose.

5. Profit and Referral Fees: After a Member successfully completes a Qualifying Transaction and FinPaisa receives the corresponding Profit, we transfer this Profit to the Member through their chosen payment method. Please be aware that the commission rates offered by financial service providers may change, and the Profit may be different from what is initially advertised on the site. Transactions are marked as "validated" after confirmation by the service provider, which may take 90 days or more from the transaction date. If the transaction is reversed or amended, Profit will not be paid. Members must inform FinPaisa of any returns or exchanges for which they may have earned Profit unduly. Whether a transaction qualifies as a Qualifying Transaction is at the sole discretion of the service provider and FinPaisa. We are not responsible if a service provider fails to report a sale to us or does not qualify a transaction as a Qualifying Transaction. FinPaisa reserves the right to reclaim or adjust balances if it is determined that a credit was applied in error. This may include transactions marked as payable or validated in a Member's account.

6. Your Account: Members can withdraw validated Profit from 1st to 25th of every month. The payments would be done between 26th- 30th of every month. If a Member decides to close their account, no Profit will be paid. FinPaisa may forfeit any validated balance on an account for various reasons mentioned elsewhere in this Agreement.

7. Intellectual Property: You acknowledge that all copyright, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights related to the site, including materials contributed by Members or financial service providers, are owned by or licensed to us. Reproducing, distributing, or creating derivative works from the site's material without proper authorization is prohibited. By uploading or including material on the site, a Member grants us a non-exclusive license to use, reproduce, and distribute that material. Other Members are granted the right to view the relevant material.

8. Privacy & Cookie Policy: Our Privacy & Cookie Policy is an integral part of this Agreement. By entering into this Agreement, you consent to how we handle your personal data under that policy.

9. Our Role: We are not a party to transactions with financial service providers and are not the provider of the financial products or services they offer. We do not have the legal obligations that apply to the providers of those products or services. Therefore, we have no control or responsibility for the quality, safety, or legality of such products or services.

10. Misuse: We reserve the right to suspend or terminate a Member's access to our service if they breach any provisions of this Agreement. Misuse of our service, including fraudulent or unfair activities, may result in the forfeiture of pending or validated payments in a Member's account. Members must ensure that any material posted or associated with their account is not defamatory, offensive, abusive, or in violation of applicable laws and regulations. Members should also avoid any misuse of the service, including fraudulent activities or breaches of this Agreement.

11. Contact from Third Parties: If third parties contact us regarding material or transactions associated with your account, you agree to provide information and assistance as required for responding to such contact.

12. Additional Services: Additional services offered on the site may have separate terms and conditions, which you must comply with. Failure to comply with these terms may constitute a breach of this Agreement.

13. Operation of Our Service: We reserve the right to withdraw, modify, or suspend aspects of the FinPaisa service for various reasons, including legal, security, technical, or commercial considerations. We will make reasonable efforts to provide notice before taking such actions, except in cases where immediate action is necessary.

14. Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability: We provide the FinPaisa service on an "as-is" and "as available" basis. We disclaim all warranties, and we are not liable for indirect, special, or consequential damages. Our liability is limited to the extent permitted by applicable law. We will not be liable for loss of revenue, business, anticipated savings, or any other indirect, special, or consequential damages. These provisions survive the termination of this Agreement.

15. Third-Party Content: Third-party content may appear on the site or be accessible through hyperlinks. We are not responsible for any third-party content, including its accuracy and legality.

16. Communications: By using FinPaisa, you agree to receive communications through various means, such as SMS, email, or mobile app notifications.

17. Indemnity: You agree to indemnify us against liabilities, claims, and expenses arising from breaches of this Agreement or transactions with financial service providers.

18. Assignment: We reserve the right to assign this Agreement, and you may not assign or dispose of this Agreement without our written consent.

19. Entire Agreement: This Agreement contains the entire agreement between you and us concerning the FinPaisa service. It replaces all earlier agreements and understandings.


The User of this Platform unequivocally declares and agrees that the User is a natural/legal person who has attained the age of at least 18 years and is legally allowed to enter into a contract in India. The User is allowed to utilize the services of the Company in accordance with the terms and conditions detailed under these Terms & Conditions. By registering on the Platform, the User hereby undertakes to agree and abide by the Terms & Conditions detailed herein. If the User violates any of these Terms & Conditions or otherwise violates an agreement entered into through the medium of the Platform, FinPaisa may terminate the User’s membership, delete his/her profile and any content or information posted online by the User on the Platform and/or prohibit the User from using or accessing the Platform at any time in its sole discretion, with or without notice, including without limitation if Card Insider believes that the User is under the age of 18 years.

Acceptance of Terms and Conditions

As a User of this Platform, You have agreed to the Terms & Conditions that FinPaisa has provided hereunder or anywhere else on this Platform including but not limited to disclaimers on the Platform.

You are advised to read and understand the said Terms & Conditions and in case You do not wish to agree to these Terms & Conditions, please refrain from using the Platform. FinPaisa reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to change, modify, add or remove portions of these Terms & Conditions, at any time without any prior written notice to the User. It is the User’s responsibility to review these Terms & Conditions periodically for any updates/ changes. User’s continued use of the Platform following the modification of these Terms & Conditions will imply the acceptance by the User of the revisions.

Your Account

If You wish to use the Platform, You are required to maintain an account and will be required to furnish certain information and details, including Your name, email id, contact number and any other information deemed necessary by FinPaisa. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of Your account, password, activities that occur in or through Your account and for restricting access to Your computer to prevent unauthorized access to Your account. You agree to accept responsibility for all activities that occur under Your account or password. You should take all necessary steps to ensure that the password is kept confidential and secure and should inform Us immediately if You have any reason to believe that Your password has become known to anyone else, or if the password is being, or is likely to be, used in an unauthorized manner. Please ensure that the details You provide Us with are true, correct, accurate and complete. Upon Card Insider gaining knowledge of having any reasonable suspicion that the information provided by You is wrong, inaccurate or incorrect, Card Insider shall immediately terminate Your account without any notice to You in this regard. In the event of any changes to the information shared by You at the time of registering Yourself on the Platform, You shall be responsible for forthwith notifying the said changes to Us. You can access and update most of the information You provided Us on the ‘dashboard’ area of the Your account after You log in or by writing to us at [email protected]. If You fail to notify Us of any changes in the information shared with Us, FinPaisa will continue to use your information already available with Us. The right to use this Platform is personal to the User and is not transferable to any other person or entity.

You shall, at all times, abide by the Terms & Conditions stated herein and any breach of the same may also lead to FinPaisa terminating Your account and appropriate civil and criminal remedies will be sought against You as provided under the laws of India.

You further understand and agree that disbursement of a loan, approval of a credit card or deletion of FinPaisa mobile application from your mobile does not automatically rescind the consents you have provided to us under the Privacy Policy. Accordingly, in the event You want the Company to delete all your personal data, please contact us via email.